Creating the First Water System in a Diagram
In a new diagram you will be prompted to create the first water system. Click the system dropdown in the upper left-hand side the LegiMapper canvas.
Naming the Water System
When you create a new system, the system name will generate automatically based on the type of system you chose. Be sure to update the name. Be as specific as possible.
- Example: New Potable Cold is the default name for a potable cold water system. A better name would be “Main Potable Cold” or “[Building name] Potable Cold.”
Adding the System Prefix
Assign a system prefix. The system prefix is used in the diagram to table and number all components in the system.
- Example: The prefix for a system named Main Potable Cold would be MPC.
- The character limit is four. Longer prefixes will display incorrectly in the component box.
LegiTip: Use the first initials in the system name for easy identification and to maintain consistency among water systems.