File Formats

You can export water systems, diagrams and reports in several formats depending your subscription:

  • PDF diagrams and reports: Professional and Business
  • PDF, PNG, CSV Executive subscriptions can download PDF or PNG files of diagrams and PDF or CSV files of report data.

Save Water Your Systems First

Before downloading a system or a diagram, you must select each system, and then click the Save System button.

  • LegiMapper temporarily autosaves your changes as you work so you can pick up working on a diagram without clicking the Save System button.
  • This working autosave is a temporary save downloading completed systems. You must click the Save System button on each system you wish to download within your diagram.
  • If you don't save your systems and then attempt to download,  a pop-up message will tell you which systems need to be saved before you can proceed.

Download from LegiMapper Canvas

After saving all systems within the diagram, there are several options for downloading.

  1. If you are downloading from LegiMapper canvas click Download in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Next you will see a pop-up with three options of what can be downloaded.
    • Report: exports a report of all data entered into all systems within the diagram.
    • Diagram exports diagram with all systems.
    • Current System: exports system you are viewing.
  3. Select the option you wish to download, then click the Download button.

Download from My Diagrams Dashboard

You can also download diagrams and reports from the My Diagrams dashboard.

  1. Click the Options menu on the diagram you wish to download.
  2. Click Download Diagram or Download Report.